The Top Affiliate Marketing Traps You Must Watch Out For
Affiliate marketing is a lucrative opportunity with opportunities for your company and its affiliates. If you want to penetrate a new target market, affiliate marketing can be a smart move. But, the risks of affiliate fraud can affect your brand’s popularity in a negative manner. As your affiliates only get paid when they make a purchase, the possibility of fraud always looms large. In 2022, nearly 17% of traffic coming from affiliate fraud is fake. By 2023, your marketing team’s loss to fraud will rise to $100 billion . While conducting affiliate programs, you should be on the watchout for fraud. It can cause huge dents to your marketing budget. Paying the legitimate affiliates their due commissions won’t affect your budget. But it hurts to pay those who drain your budget. Based on the type of affiliate traps , how long fraud goes undetected can vary. Threat actors can inflate your sales, which offers a low ROI to the marketing team. Note that there is no one type of affiliate ...