How Can Typosquatting Affect Your Brand's Integrity?
Typosquatting, also known as URL hijacking, is a popular type of impersonation attack on your company’s registered domain. URL hijacking is a preferred method for nefarious affiliates to derail your affiliate marketing program. The threat actors purchase misspelled domain names similar to your company’s URL. They guess or track the probable mistakes your users will make while searching for your website. Nefarious affiliates may register domain names that are a slight variation of your website. Internet users are unaware they are navigating or shopping on a dummy website. The threat actors can leverage this dummy website to sell fake products. In worse situations, they may trick users into personal information breaches. Typosquatting can cause significant reputational damage to your brand. Websites with URLs similar to yours can be dangerous for users. These websites can infect the device of your customers with malicious software. To ensure the integrity of your affiliate ...